The upcoming general election of 2024 is the real battle between Savarkar’s Hindutava, gaining traction in the polity for the first time, and Nehruvian secularism, entrenched in the polity, for decades, championed openly by so- called stakeholders of I. N. D. I. A, who have a clear cut agenda: to push India towards another Islamic nation.
Vivekanand Jha Ranchi: It was prior to my writing of the pioneer book, in the wake of abrogation of Article 370 of Indian Constitution, The Making of Narendra Modi, Unmaking of Jawaharlal, I extensively read the best book on Indian nationalism, in the pre- independence stage: The First War of India’s Independence by Veer Savarkar. Significantly, much before I had chanced upon that classic, I had, serendipitously though, stumbled upon Ataljee’s speech, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Veer Savarkar in Pune, in the year 2,006– I guess that was probably the last public speech of the most loved Prime Minister of India–wherein the great leader had phenomenally equated Veer Savarkar with an ocean while condescendingly dubbing himself as its drop. Significantly, the very utterances, coming all the way from a serious politician, whose burning patriotism would bring the socialist like Nitish Kumar, on the one hand. and the rabble rouser Mamata Banerjee, an epitome of ideological vacuity, on the other, to a particular platform, triggered a deep disconcerting stream of thoughts in me: If Veer Savarkar really was that great, why would the Congress party stigmatise him, for decades, as a coward? Later when I read the magnum opus The India’s War of First Independence — kindly note that how the historians in independent India, mischievously dismissed The First War of India’s Independence as some form of Sepoy Mutiny. Little wonder then, the whole mischief orchestrated by Congress Party to eternally stigmatise Veer Savarkar had a malicious intent behind it: The Congress Party sought to attach an eternal stigma with Savarkar because it never wanted Hindu Consciousness to grow.
With decades down the line, even before Narendra Modi had entered into Delhi Durbar, The Confidence Motion brought in by Atal Bihari Vajpayee for his thirteen days government, albeit for the first time, was an awakening for the intelligentsia class of the nation: how like hordes of wolves, the secular brigade had begun howling at BJP leaders in Parliament, scathingly pouring venom on Savarkar, going to the extent of bedeviling him as a ‘ traitor’ who had sought mercy from the Colonial power for his release from the Cellular jail. Evidently, none of the Congress leaders, including the worthies liie Gandhi and Nehru, had suffered the degree of rigorous imprisonment as that of Veer Savarkar– imagine how Nehru would write The Discovery of India, sitting in the cushioned room inside the jail, and so- called Father of the Nation, luxuriating in jail rooms, with all sorts of basic amenities made available to him on platter. Regrettably, whereas Gandhi and Nehru sabotaged the eternal aspiration of Hindus of possessing the rights to have their own country, it was Veer Savarkar alone, who had the distinct foresightedness to visualise the things as it will pan out, decades hence; Savarkar alone could foresee that how Hindus stood as the biggest losers, while Muslims as the formidable beneficiaries—not only they stood as equal stakeholders in India, along with Hindus, they became the exclusive stakeholders of Pakistan, an Islamic nation. Worse still, the leaders like Gandhi and Nehru, in their utter lack of wisdom, blew the trumpet for unity beteeen the two contrarion set of people: if Hindus worshipped Sun, Muslims worshipped Moon; there was hardly any parity between both the communities, yet Gandhi- Nehru, living in fools parsdise, in the world of quixotism, stunbornly refused to see the inherent contradiction between the two religions: They failed to foresee the situation when the burgeoning Muslim population will come to be even 30 percent of Hindus, they will throw the nation into the state of dystopia; into the state of anarchy. But then, the temptation to rule the nation, was so overwhelming that, the unfolding reality was not visible to them. Veer Savarkar could plainly see the bleak future for Hindus and, therefore, his Hindutava was the sunlit path for the indegenous population: The Hindus, the aboriginals of this Punya Bhoomie of Bharatvarsha.
With the benefits of hindsight, Jinnah, disproportionately vilified by the Congress Party, was far more honest and upright than Gandhi and Nehru in calling spade a spade: Jinnah had very rationally and outrightly said, ‘ Hindus and Muslims comprise two different nations’. No wonder, he stuck to his stand, browbeating the Congress leaders, Gandhi and Nehru into conceding his demand for a separate nation for Muslims: an independent Pakistan; took away one- third of national resources while taking only 25 percent of total population with him to form a Heaven for Muslims, yet blissfully leaving behind the vast section of Muslims to procreate rapidly to overwhelm Hindus, in decades to come. This idea of Pakistan, even though tottering on the precipice of impending catastrophe today, unequivocally vouches for the wisdom of Jinnah vis- a – vis the leadership vacuity of Gandhi and Nehru. Moreover, in the exhibition of sheer brazenness, the duo, as aforementioned, disdainfully dismissed the views of Sardar Patel and BR Ambedkar–the former for ardently advocating the exchange of population and the latter for warning the pitfalls of the co- existence of Muslims with Hindus. Apparently, a hotch- potch nation, quickly weaved into the multiplicity of stakeholders seeking to reconcile the irreconcilability of forging unity amidst diversiity. No wonder, in order to create a permanent choas in the polity, the name ‘ Secularism’ was dubiously inserted in the Constitution in 1976, soon after Indira Gandhi returned to power.
Unequivocally, while the insertion of secularism was a boon to Muslims, it further alienated Hindus from the ownership claim over the nation. The secularism became the pivot to convert India into a no-man’s land, comprehensively silencing the voice of Hindus, or else, what could logically explain the fact that Hindus, despite being 80 percent of the population, remarkably failed to claim the birthplace of Ram lala in Ayodhya, unless Narendra Modi daringly sought to restore the Ram temple in Ayodhya. Reprehensibly, all the previous attempts spearheaded to reclaim the Ram lala temple, finally ended up in fiasco. Worse still, Hindus, the most deprived and heathen community, in contemporary world, has no nation of its own; in fact, even the Jews, the mocroscopic section of people in the world, have their nation, Israel, yet over a billion of Hindus have none! Who is responsible for this eternal deprivation of Hindus? But then, in such nightmarish scenario, when Hindu consciousness and confidence was an all time low, the ascendancy of Narendra Modi in Delhi Durbar, was a blessing in disguise for Hindus: Hindus, who were languishing at the periphery of national consciousness, began discovering their identity; they began correlating their identity with the sense of being the original stakeholders as well as aboriginals of this country: The land of Rishis originally belonged to Hindu legacy and part of its rich heritage.
2024 General election is an impending battle between the thought process of Jawaharlal Nehru and Veer Savarkar: whereas Nehru had sown the seeds of an ultimate Islamisation of India; it was Veer Savarkar whose whole life was devoted towards liberating the Hindu race; while Nehru, himself a proud adherent of Muslim culture, had invariably sought to suppress the Hindu sentiments and, thereby, the very soul of Bharatvarsha, as Somnath temple gafe was the vindication of the same, Savarkar, gravely alienated from the mainstream politics, in view of the streamlining of the Congress’ thought process, abowedly stood for the protection and preservation of Hindu community. Apparently, it is the battle between Savarkar whose pivotal concern was securing of the strategic interest of Hindus by ardently advocating for Hindustan for Hindus, and Jawaharlal Nehru’s ostensible hostility for any thought process which had the moorings in the erstwhile Bharatvarsha. Unequivocally, Narendra Modi, who sought to awaken the hibernating Hindu Consciousness by fast- forwarding Hindus from the periphery of policy decision making, is being encircled by those who are openly professing anti- Hindutava ideology and seeking to relegate Hindus yet again to the periphery of national consciousness. Hence against the backdrop, the upcoming general election of 2024 is the real battle between Savarkar’s Hindutava, gaining traction in the polity for the first time, and Nehruvian secularism, championed openly by so- called stakeholders of I. N. D. I. A, who have a clear cut ahenda: to push India towards another Islamic nation. Thus the choice for Hindus are crystal clear: Will they swim with Modi, who is desperately seeking to revitalise the nation by giving Hindus their due, or to vote for the alliance which is waiting in the wings to write their obituary?
Vivekanand Jha is an author of the latest book Narendra Damodardas Modi: No More Apologist, to awaken the Hindu consciousness in the polity.
He is an Author, Academician and a Public Intellectual..